Two SUSALPS presentations at the EGF 2022 General Meeting in Caen
The 29th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation (EGF) took place in Caen, France, from June 26th to June 30th, 2022. Katrin Schneider and David Piatka (both KIT) participated and represented the SUSALPS project with their two presentations. The conference focused on the ecological and economic importance of grassland. In numerous presentations and posters, a panel discussion, and day excursions to various grassland farms and areas, different aspects of grassland management were presented and discussed.
During his presentation, David Piatka introduced the background, importance and use of the SUSALPS Decision Support System. This user-friendly tool provides an important link from research to practice that can help farmers and stakeholders to adapt grassland systems to climate change in a sustainable way. The presentation by Katrin Schneider presented the SUSALPS project and results from the TERENO pre-Alpine Observatory monitoring stations. Here, the effects of climate change on ecosystem services such as grassland yield and carbon content in extensively and intensively managed grasslands are studied and compared. Both SUSALPS presentations met with positive feedback from the audience and could be used for further discussions.